Are you looking for work?

Are you an Entertainer in an band or provide a service and are looking for more work. We may be able to help.

What we need from you.

Videos we can upload and share with clients.

A bio about who you are and what you do. A rough set list of applicable.

Photos of you performing

frequently asked questions

Q. Can you manage us?

A. NO, we are a booking agency. That means we offer you work to quote on and we present it to the clients. We do actively pursue work for acts and services but our goal to organize a great fit between our client and the act.

Q Do you take a cut of our earnings.

A. We offer you work and you quote on that work. We indeed add a set booking fee on top but that is charged to our clients for our services. Corporate functions are based on a percentage.

Q. Would you be interested in our other services such as, Open Mic/Jam Session hosting, Karaoke Hosting, Quiz, Bingo, Sound & Lighting Hire etc

A. Yes. We are an agent for many different entertainment services & we are also communication with events and festivals regularly.

Q. Is the work available at Bedford Entertainment?

A. We are regularly looking for Agents, Karaoke Hosts, Open Mic/Jam Night Hosts, Sound people with equipment large & Small to run all sorts of events all over NZ & Australia. We are also always looking for people who run music education workshops. We are also looking for MC’s, Quiz masters & Bingo callers.

Q. Can I get on your music tutor list (Including music festival workshop opportunities) & how does that work?

A. Yes! We are always looking for English speaking music teachers worldwide. Just like all our agency services it is a non exclusive deal. Our clients while looking for tutors will be presented with your profile and if they choose you will be charged a booking fee.

Q. What equipment do we need?

A. All our acts are responsible for all of their own equipment (fully mobile DJs and bands) including tables etc.   It is handy if the bars have their own but it's better to have your own so that you know what your getting.   

Q. How do we give an all inclusive quote?

A. Send your quote (Price) for ALL services. Ie include all your costs like fuel, food, accommodation, beverages & equipment. If the venue or event promoter offers any of the above it will be stated as well in advance as possible.

Fuel wise your going to know your vehicle consumption better than anyone else.   The idea is you cover your costs to make it worth while and not ask for more money after the fact. 

Q. How quickly do I need to get a quote in?

A. If we have all of your support material loaded on the site we can process your quote asap. We also like you are busy in the weekends, so it’s highly unlikely we can process a quote at that time.