Guillem Camos (United States)

Guillem Camós Moratalla (Will) was born in 1998 in Vilafant, Catalonia. The Catalan musician currently resides in Melbourne, Australia. He started to play the guitar at the age of 10 in a local music school. When he was only 12, he started to play with his own band and to perform live. After mastering the guitar, he has moved onto learning and developing his music skills and is now proficient in playing the piano, bass guitar, drums and other percussion instruments, voice and music production. In 2014, at just 16 years of age, he came 1st in the local guitar battle Duel de Guitarres in Roses. Two years after that, in 2016, he moved to Barcelona to study guitar, harmony, music language and band at the prestigious school Taller de Músics, where he learned from the best music educators of the country. In 2018, he got accepted into Escola Superior de Música Jam Session, where he completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance-Guitar, graduating in June 2022, after 4 years of hard work and many scholarships to excellence, such as the one awarded by SGAE. He has played with numerous music bands around Europe, which was the perfect opportunity for him to expand to many genres, such as Rock, Metal, Jazz, Latin, Rumba, Blues, Bossa Nova, and the list goes on and on! He has had the opportunity to perform more than 1000 gigs around Spain, Andorra, Germany, Belgium, France and the United Kingdom, playing in the cities of Paris, Brussels, London, Osnäbruck, Lyon, Perpignan, Barcelona, Madrid, Girona, Zaragoza, Toulouse, Murcia and many more. He has worked as a studio recording musician for different artists and bands, producing and recording guitars for their songs. In addition to his experience as a private guitar teacher -which he has been since 2015-, from 2020 to 2022, he worked as a teacher at Temps de Músia in Figueres, Taller de Música in Vilafant and Escola Tons in Llançà. There, he taught guitar, bass guitar, ukelele and basic music production to groups. His main project is Will & The Dirties, a Rock Power Trio which has performed around Europe and recorded a studio album with a prestigious Spanish record label Currently, his main project is “Will & The Dirties” a Rock Power Trio with he has performed around Europe and recorded one studio album with the prestigious Spanish record label Maldito Digital Records.


Mark Gardner (Melbourne)


The Road Doggz (Otago)